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Your Random Scripture Generator

Hit Generate Scripture below to be blessed with a random Bible verse that will guide and inspire you. Not the verse you were after? Hit Generate Scripture again:


Do you have questions about Holy Pick – our random scripture generator? They’ll be answered below:

What is a Random Scripture Generator?

A random scripture generator will provide you with a completely random verse from the Bible. There are over 31,000 verses to choose from

How Does the Random Scripture Generator Work?

Simply hit the generate button above, and Holy Pick, using the power of AI, will select one of the 31,000 verses from the Bible

Is It Free to Use?

No, Holy Pick is 100% free to use as much as you wish. There are no limits to the number of times you can use Holy Pick

Do I Have to Register to Use It?

No, there is no form of registration on Holy Pick. Simply hit the generate button, and you’ll receive a random Bible verse

What If I Don’t Like the Random Scripture I’m Given?

Not a fan of the Bible verse you’ve been given? Then simply hit that Generate button again and you’ll get a brand new verse

Can I Share the Scripture on Social Media?

Of course! Use the sharing links to post your scripture to Facebook or Twitter